Posting from Textmate
I’m writing this entry using Textmate. I been a lot of time waiting to use this fantastic editor. Finally, I’ve bought a 17 inches MacBook Pro. I’m really loving it!. So much time reading things about MacOS (and Textmate) and now, well, all my expectations are fulfilled.
Until now, I was using ubuntu in my laptop. JEdit was my every-day editor. I really consider it a great editor, totally customizable, extremely solid and with a huge amount of plugins available. I’ll keep using it in other computers (for example, in my work).
So why change? Well, like many people, I was amazed by the look of the Editor used by David Heinemeier in the first Rails screencast. Since, all the reviews about Textmate I’ve read agree: it’s a superb product. I’ve only been using it for 3 days and I’m totally convinced it’s going to be my editor from now on. A very nice surprise is the excellent LaTeX bundle.